Here's a review from the NY Times on the Bronx Zoo's exhibit, which opened Thursday.
Update: I just learned through the Bronx Zoo website that the revamped Lion House will be applying for LEED Gold status.
"In 2006, the Lion House received the NYC Green Building Award from the city’s Department of Environmental Protection. Additionally, the Lion House carries the distinction of being the first landmark building in New York City anticipated to receive the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold rating. Some of the green technology includes extensive use of dynamic skylights to maximize daylight and modulate the temperature in the exhibit, geothermal heating and cooling systems to reduce consumption of fossil fuels, and technologies that result in a 57 percent savings in energy and a 59 percent savings in water consumption."
The greening of zoos is another topic to be explored very soon...keep watching...